3 events found.
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2023 NMSF QH Futurity & Derby Payments Due
The Downs at Albuquerque 145 Louisiana Blvd NE, AlbuquerquePayment to sustain $600.00. Mail to: Nominations Secretary The Downs at Albuquerque P.O. Box 8510 Albuquerque, NM 87198-8510 Horsemen’s Bookkeeper/Nomination Secretary – Danielle Sena 505-266-5555, Ext. 7610 danielles@abqdowns.com
2023 NMSF TB Futurity Sustaining Payment Due
The Downs at Albuquerque 145 Louisiana Blvd NE, AlbuquerquePayment to sustain $600.00. Mail to: Nominations Secretary The Downs at Albuquerque P.O. Box 8510 Albuquerque, NM 87198-8510 Horsemen’s Bookkeeper/Nomination Secretary – Danielle Sena 505-266-5555, Ext. 7610 danielles@abqdowns.com
La Senora Stakes
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park$100,00 Guaranteed ( Includes $50,000 from NMHBA) 3 year old Fillies 6 furlongs Free to nominate; $600 to enter