If a Broodmare (Dam, Donor Mare (open or carrying) and/or Recipient Mares) bred to a registered NM Stallion, spends any part of the pregnancy outside the state of New Mexico, the mare must be enrolled in the Export Broodmare program each applicable year.

All mares MUST be registered in the NM Permanent Broodmare Registry no later than September 1st of the breeding year or penalties will apply to all foals. Once registered, a mare is registered for her life.

The owner must be a current year member to register any horse with NMHBA. Click here to go to membership application.

Online Forms

Downloadable Forms

AQHA Frozen Embryo Permit

If you are planning on freezing any embryos for later use, whether using the standard embryo transfer procedure or ICSI, you must fill out this application.

ICSI & Export Broodmare Program Rules

The Rules for ICSI and the Export Broodmare Program are still being decided by our Board of Trustees.

As soon as they are approved, the Rules will be posted here.

ICSI Forms

All of the following forms must be filled out to have ICSI performed out of state:

All of the following forms must be filled out to have ICSI performed out of state:

Did you know the NMHBA offers an Export Broodmare program?

Here are some important facts you may need to know!

If a Broodmare (Dam, Donor Mare (open or carrying) and/or Recipient Mares) bred to a registered NM Stallion, spends any part of the pregnancy outside the state of New Mexico she must be enrolled in the Export Broodmare program.

  • In the case of Quarter Horses and Embryo Transfers, BOTH the donor mare and the recipient mare must be registered with us. If you’re ever unsure of the status of a broodmare, please check the horse directory under active broodmares or give us a call. We are more than happy to look them up.
  • All mares MUST be registered with the NMHBA no later than September 1st of the breeding year or penalties will apply. It costs $100.00 to permanently put a mare into the broodmare registry. Current membership is also required.
  • In the case of Quarter Horses and Embryo Transfers, BOTH the donor mare and the recipient mare must be registered with us. If you’re ever unsure of the status of a broodmare, please check the horse directory under Registered Broodmares or give us a call. We are more than happy to look them up.
  • Your accredited New Mexico Broodmare must then be bred in New Mexico to an accredited NM Stallion. You can always check our website at under the stallion directory for active stallions or call the office.
  • Once an accredited New Mexico broodmare is in foal she may leave the state of New Mexico but the following requirements must be met:
    • The Form for a New Mexico broodmare to leave the state of New Mexico must be filled out and the $500.00 fee paid for by October 1st of the breeding year. If you miss the October 1st deadline a $1,000 fee will then be in place after October 10th. If the mare should reside in New Mexico and then leave the state AFTER October 1st you will have ten days to submit the form and pay the $500.00.
      • For embryo transfers you must pay for each mare that leaves the state.
      • Every donor mare and every recipient mare that is taken to board out of state must have their own form filled out and you must pay $500.00 for each or the larger $1,000 penalty if the October 1 deadline is missed.
      • An open donor mare DOES NOT have to come back to the state of New Mexico after leaving but does have to pay the $500.00 fee.
      • Any mare carrying a New Mexico Bred foal MUST come back to New Mexico before foaling.
  •  If you are taking a mare out of New Mexico to participate in a sale:
    • You still must fill out the form for her to leave the state, however, there is no fee to leave to go to a sale.
    • Your mare may leave 7 days before the sale and must return within 7 days of the completion of the sale OR you can pay the $500.00 to keep her out of the state within 10 days.
  • You must bring your accredited broodmare back to New Mexico and the foal MUST be born here, no exceptions will be made.
  • Once the foal has been born in New Mexico it may leave the state, it does not need to stay in New Mexico for any extended amount of time.
  • Don’t forget to fill out your membership application if you haven’t already and submit your New Mexico Bred applications.
  • A common misconception is that you must wait until the foal is registered with either the American Quarter Horse Association or the Jockey Club. You DO NOT need to wait and it’s better if you don’t – foals are only $60.00 the weanling year to register. The registration can then be completed once the registration certificate becomes available. Your horse is not considered a NM Bred until it has been assigned a registration number by our office.

EXCEPTION (Bylaw change January 25, 2024):

1. All assisted reproduction techniques including but not limited to the transfer of embryos or oocytes must be performed within the State of New Mexico unless the service is not readily available in the state. OOCYTES may be done in other states if the out-of-state ICSI requirements are followed. The mare would be required to be enrolled in the Export Broodmare Program by October 1st of the year she was taken out of New Mexico.

Most importantly CALL, CALL, CALL!

If you ever have any questions or doubts, PLEASE reach out to us. We are always more than happy to help. There are no stupid questions, and we would rather you have the correct information than have to pay high penalties or lose accreditation rights because things were not done correctly.