AQHA Affiliate Leaders,

We hope this message finds you well. As leaders within the state affiliates, you understand the crucial role our organization plays in promoting the interests of our members and community. Today, we are writing to seek your support for the AQHA Political Action Committee (PAC), an essential tool in our advocacy efforts at the federal level at a time when maintaining strong representation is crucial.

The political landscape has increasingly become difficult to navigate and more complex as the stakes are raised by interest groups and corporations. Having the opportunity to promote your interests is expensive and requires extensive investment in both capital and time as those who oppose our industry become more and more sophisticated. We need your help in the proverbial arms race to keep up with the growing host of groups who are working to shut down our industry and way of life. How can you help? Contribute to the PAC!

Understanding the AQHA PAC

The AQHA PAC is designed to support political candidates who understand and advocate for the issues that impact our industry. By pooling contributions from AQHA members, we can provide financial support to those candidates who champion our cause, ensuring that our voice is heard, and our message reaches those who can make an impact. Every industry, association, and interest group has a PAC advocating for their views in D.C., exemplifying just how essential it is to modern associations like ours.

Why We Need a PAC

In today’s political landscape, having a strong, unified voice is more important than ever. The decisions made by our elected officials can significantly affect the future of the American Quarter Horse industry, from regulations on land use and breeding practices to funding for agricultural programs. A robust PAC allows us to:

  1. Influence: Support candidates who prioritize our industry’s needs and advocate for favorable legislation along with helping to block bills that seek to destroy our way of life.
  2. Promote: Increase awareness among policymakers about the importance of the American Quarter Horse industry including how we impact our local, state, and federal economies.
  3. Protect: Safeguard the future of our industry against detrimental policies and regulations from federal agencies.

Issues like funding for equine activities in the Farm Bill, regulating animal welfare, transportation, racing, and more are all examples of what Congress is currently debating that strongly impacts our way of life.

What You Can Do

To achieve these goals, we need your help. We are calling on you and your members to consider making a contribution to the AQHA PAC. Every donation, no matter how small, strengthens our ability to influence policy and protect our interests. Your support is vital to ensuring we have the resources necessary to advocate effectively on behalf of the American Quarter Horse community.

AQHA Affiliates are encouraged to have their members host a fund-raiser for a candidate. Getting political leaders to a sanctioned event or to a trainer’s or producer’s operation to learn about our industry. These events help us define the narrative for our industry with our legislative representatives. The Public Policy Committee can provide guidelines to hosting an event and talking points to share with the candidate. Presenting an AQHA PAC contribution to a candidate by an AQHA Affiliate leader/member is important to building strong relationships and strengthening our position.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, we can make a significant impact on the future of the American Quarter Horse industry. We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to work closely with you in support of our shared goals.

Thank you,

The AQHA Public Policy Committee