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A stallion must be registered in the Association’s Stallion registry before time of breeding. (Breeding your stallion before he is registered will result in a $1,500 penalty PER FOAL.) It is imperative that Stallion Owners return the Stallion Update Forms sent out annually and comply with EVA requirements in order to keep their stallion active in the registry.
- New Stallion Registration Fee : $400
- Stallion Ownership Transfer : $50
- Stallion Reactivation Fee: $200
The owner must be a current year member to register any horse with NMHBA. Click here to go to membership application.
Stallions must not be bred before being registered or penalties will apply to each foal.
EVA - Equine Viral Arteritis
All Stallions must be EVA tested and vaccinated before they can be registered. Stallions who have been vaccinated need to have a booster shot every year before the next breeding season. Forms will be mailed out for veterinarians to fill out and sign. For complete information on EVA regulations and isolation periods in New Mexico contact the New Mexico Livestock board at 505-841-6161, or visit their website: New Mexico Livestock Board
Stallion Reactivation
Once a stallion who has gone Inactive complies with our EVA rules, he can be reactivated for a fee of $200.00 and his foals that were conceived while he was Inactive can be registered by paying the registration fee that coincides with the horse’s age plus another 1/2 of that fee. Effective date 10/7/2009.