12 events found.
Sunland Park racetrack opens for use
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMOpening Day at Sunland Park
December 31, 2021 through April 3, 2022
Red or Green QH Stakes Nominations Close
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred 4-yr olds and upward QH
Corralito Steak House TB Stakes Nominations Close
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred TB 3-yr olds
NM State Commission TB Handicap
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred TB 4-yr olds and older Fillies and Mares
2022 Shue Fly QH Trials
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NM$950 to enter trials The-Shue-Fly-2022-forms Supplemental nominations will be accepted by payment of $10,000 at time of entry to trials (includes all fees)
Lou Wooten & Sydney Valentini QH Handicap Nominations Close
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred QH 4-yr olds and upward
La Senora TB Stakes Nominations Close
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred Fillies 3-yr Olds
Red or Green QH Stakes
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred QH 4-yr olds and upward
Corralito Steak House TB Stakes
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NMNM Bred TB 3-yr olds
2022 New Mexico State Fair QH Futurity LATE PAYMENT to Nominate and Sustain
The Downs at Albuquerque 145 Louisiana Blvd NE, AlbuquerquePayment to Nominate (LATE) and sustain $2500.00. Mail to: ABQ 2022 NM State Fair QH Futurity Nomination Nominations Secretary The Downs at Albuquerque P.O. Box 8510 Albuquerque, NM 87198-8510
2022 New Mexican Spring QH Futurity 2nd payment due
Sunland Park 1200 Futurity Dr., Sunland Park, NM$175,000 added (est.) $50,000 Guaranteed New Mexican Spring Fling Stakes Sunland Park NM-Spring-Futurity-2022-Forms